Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that has no real cure. In a few rare cases, the symptoms might sometimes decrease away with time. Asthma, on the other hand, is a lifetime illness for the vast majority of us. Essential oils, for example, are preferred by some people who want more natural therapy approaches. These oils may aid with symptom relief. Some researchers have suggested that certain essential oils may have health advantages for asthma patients.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that you don’t replace your prescription therapies and constantly visit your physician before starting essential oil.
Best essential oil for Asthma:
- Rosemary essential oil:
Rosemary one of the most effective essential oils for asthmatic patients. It could even help patients who are resistant to conventional medicines.
A study was conducted in 2013 in which the researchers separated the recruits into four groups. Some were given plane tree extracts, while others were given rosemary extracts. The volunteers who used extracts from plane trees experienced adverse effects. In comparison, the usage of rosemary resulted in considerable reductions in allergy symptoms like chest pain, wheezing, and phlegm production[1].
- Lavender essential oil:
Lavender is an excellent essential oil for treating bronchitis and can be used as an aromatic treatment for Asthma.
Lavender was proven to be effective in lowering the symptoms of both diseases by reducing airway inflammation. It can also aid in relaxing and sleep, which are significant problems while coping with diseases[2]. You must consider inhaling lavender essential oil while doing meditations to soothe the body and mind if you’re having an asthma attack.
- Peppermint essential oil
Seasonal allergies, such as allergic Asthma, are most common in the spring. Wheezing, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and coughing are common symptoms. Peppermint is one of the natural medicines that can be used for allergic Asthma.
In one study, mice given rosmarinic acid had fewer seasonal allergy symptoms than mice given a placebo. rosmarinic acid is a polyphenol, or antioxidant, that occurs naturally in plants[3].
- Tea tree essential oil:
Asthma comes in a variety of forms. Skin asthma is one of them. Skin asthma, also known as eczema or atopic dermatitis, arises when an allergen causes a severe immunological reaction. Rashes, hives, and skin peeling are common symptoms of the illness. Asthma and allergic rhinitis are also more common in them.
Tea tree oil was reported to help combat the symptoms of skin asthma. It may reduce the volume of blisters in the affected area[4].
- Eucalyptus essential oil:
Constant coughing and wheezing can be frustrating, especially if you’re also suffering from other allergy symptoms. Eucalyptus oil can help to ease them[5]. According to a study, it is one of the excellent essential oils for Asthma because it helps relax the bronchial smooth muscle of the respiratory system.
Essential oils may be able to help with some of the symptoms of Asthma. They have the potential to help you relax and relieve tension. So, if you’re thinking about using essential oils for Asthma, talk to your doctor first. After that, proceed with care. Use one oil at one time in small quantity to see how you feel. Also, remember to take your daily asthma medication as directed by a physician!
- Sienkiewicz, Monika, et al. “The potential of use basil and rosemary essential oils as effective antibacterial agents.” Molecules 18.8 (2013): 9334-9351.
- Ueno-Iio, Tomoe, et al. “Lavender essential oil inhalation suppresses allergic airway inflammation and mucous cell hyperplasia in a murine model of asthma.” Life sciences 108.2 (2014): 109-115.
- de Sousa, Albertina Antonielly Sydney, et al. “Antispasmodic effect of Mentha piperita essential oil on tracheal smooth muscle of rats.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 130.2 (2010): 433-436.
- Khalil, Zeinab, et al. “Regulation of wheal and flare by tea tree oil: complementary human and rodent studies.” Journal of investigative dermatology 123.4 (2004): 683-690.
- Soyingbe, Oluwagbemiga S., et al. “Antiasthma activity of Eucalyptus grandis essential oil and its main constituent: Vasorelaxant effect on aortic smooth muscle isolated from nomotensive rats.” Journal of Experimental and Applied Animal Sciences 2.2 (2017): 211-222.